
So...if you're here that means you're either a promo producer, or you're one of those snoopy guys from the
sales department trying to figure out what the hell those promo guys are talking about. Doesn't matter, you're all welcome.
This site contains a variety of information regarding the art that is television promo making. And get that
right straight from the start, it is an art and promo people are artists. It doesn't matter if you're working at
a channel where you are the only guy in the department, or at a monster network where you feel like a cog in the machine...there's
something here for everyone.
My name is Rob Middleton, and I've been in this industry for longer than I care to tell. I've had
the opportunity to work all over the planet, and I've picked up a few things along the way that can help you be better at
what you do. I'm very proud to have had a hand in the careers of some incredible talent in this industry, so I must have done
something right. The purpose of this site is to share that knowledge and help promo producers of all levels. Cruise the sight
and I'm sure you'll find something here for you.
This site is constantly being upgraded with your input and insights, so if you feel you have something to
share with us, please feel free to give us some feedback.
Here's a sample of the world's greatest promo voice over. Ok, its me. But if you want to give
me a try, contact rob@onairpromos.com
For more on me and my company, click here
Get involved with Promax, as well as BDA (the Broadcast Design Association). They, more than anyone else
on the planet, are your biggest support group. They have thousands of members just like you, who have the same problems as
you, and they have some of the answers. They hold great annual events all across the planet...find the nearest one to you
and get your butt there, you won't regret it.
Tip#2: Learn from the wisdom of Lee Hunt, the nicest and smartest guy in this biz. Go to: http://www.leehunt.com
Truer words were never spoken
The tv business is a cruel and shallow money trench...a
long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.-Hunter S Thompson
The next few pages have been culled from articles I've written and interviews I have given. Promo
producers and production groups, feel free to use whatever you need.
